Implementation science and practice related events taking place across Europe and further afield are listed below. Want to share an implementation event yourself? Contact us, and we will add it to our list.

00:00 Wed, Sep 25th, 2024

German Congress for Health Services Research (DKVF)

The German Network for Health Services Research (DNVF) hosts the 23rd German Congress for Health Services Research (DKVF). The congress will take place in Potsdam from 25 to 27 September 2024 under the theme "Implementation Knowledge Drives Innovative Health Care".

00:00 Fri, Sep 27th, 2024

2024 SIRC Conference

Join SIRC 2024 for in-person collaboration, inspiration, and shared learning about cutting-edge advancements in implementation research and real-world application of implementation practice. The conference theme this year is Strategic Synergy: Implementation Research, Practice and Policy for Impact.

00:00 Thu, Nov 7th, 2024

IMPACT Conference

Join the 3rd IMPACT Conference and immerse yourself in implementation science, network with experts, learn from each other, and strengthen the research pipeline for real-world translation and system-level change.

00:00 Sun, Dec 8th, 2024

Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health

The 17th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AcademyHealth, supports the collective understanding of the research agenda, puts forth new findings, and identifies research priorities to set the field up for the next decade.

00:00 Mon, Oct 27th, 2025

Evidence and Implementation Summit 2025

Join this global biennial conference sharing the latest advances, case studies and results across evidence synthesis, knowledge translation and implementation science. EIS brings together policymakers, researchers, implementation scientists, program evaluators, practitioners, academics and organisation leaders – with the aim of improving lives globally.

08:00 Fri, Mar 15th, 2019

Seminar om Implementerings
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