Research Map

About the European
Implementation Research Map

The Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care (IfIS) and the European Implementation Collaborative (EIC) are creating a European Implementation Map (EIM). The EIM will be an open access living map of implementation research capacities existing across Europe.

We want to identify, and describe the research teams, professional roles and positions, funding structures, educational opportunities, and other resources available to implementation researchers in Europe – with the goal to support and facilitate European implementation science collaboration and partnerships.

To build the map, we will conduct the European Implementation Research Survey (EIRS), and a scoping review. Read more about the survey below.


We are looking for collaborators from all over Europe to bring this project to life.

The European Implementation Research Survey (EIRS)

We want to learn where in Europe implementation research capacities exist, and how they work – to thereby make European implementation research more visible to researchers, practitioners, policy makers and intermediary organizations.

Our focus are implementation research capacities that are of relevance to research conducted in health care settings and across all 53 countries that are part of the WHO region of Europe.

Implementation research capacities are, for example:

-- Professional roles and positions dedicated to conducting implementation research
-- Dissemination structures – e.g., networks, journals, or conferences – that can be used to translate and/ or spread implementation research knowledge
-- Funding structures available to finance implementation research or
-- Courses and/ or programs for implementation researchers to be trained and/or supported.

If you (a) conduct implementation research in health care (i.e., public, mental, or physical health), and/or offer health care focused implementation research training across Europe, and (b) are based in Europe, this survey is for you.

Typical (but not the only) implementation research questions are:

-- What are barriers and enablers to implementing a program, practice or policy?
-- What implementation strategy should be used to make it more likely for a particular program to be implemented in routine practice?
-- Is a particular implementation strategy acceptable to its users, or feasible - and is it effective?
-- How might a program or policy best be sustained?

Your work may be of theoretical nature (e.g., aimed at developing a theory of sustainment) and/or have an empirical focus (e.g., testing the effectiveness of a multi-faceted implementation strategy in community health centers), have implementation as their sole focus or include an implementation component, be conducted at an international level (e.g., EU projects with an implementation working group) or at a national, regional, local, or even single institution level.

We will develop an online, living map that will present the identified implementation capacities (scroll down for a preview of the map!). This resource will be accessible to anyone and is a great opportunity to enhance the visibility of European implementation research hubs, including your own. We will also publish survey results through peer-reviewed, open access publications.

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