Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, brings together the five North East Universities in the UK of Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland and Teesside in a unique collaboration to deliver world-class research to improve health and wellbeing and tackle inequalities. Fuse is also a founding member of the national NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR).
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH combines research, education and services at local, national and international levels. 900 people from 80 nations work at Swiss TPH focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases, environment, society and health as well as health systems and interventions.
The Israel Implementation Science and Policy Engagement Centre (IS-PEC) was established at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev to "bridge the gap" between scientific research and policy. This research centre is the first of its kind in Israel, and one of the few centres in the world focusing on IS and policy engagement. IS-PEC aims to enhance future research and practice across various fields and advance opportunities to scale-up knowledge for informed practices, disseminating impactful science beyond the university and contributing to global knowledge.
The Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is a national platform in the field of health systems and health services research that brings together research, policy and practice. The aim is to promote dialogue between various actors to develop and continuously integrate evidence-informed solutions to current and future challenges in the Swiss health system. It seeks to link all stakeholders - patients, providers, insurers, researchers and policy-makers - with the ultimate goal to strengthen the Swiss health system.
The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) at the University of Bern is an interdisciplinary research hub in the fields of social and behavioural health, clinical epidemiology and biostatistics, and international and environmental health. It’s mission is to advance knowledge of health and disease among populations within their social and natural environments through evidence-based, participatory, and interdisciplinary academic research. Implementation of evidence-based measures and policy is from local to global levels is crucial – that’s why we support the EIE2023!
The Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare (IUFRS) is part of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). Its main mission is to promote excellence and leadership in healthcare education and research. The IUFRS offers three Master programs, a doctoral program and continued education with a particular focus on Advanced Nursing Practice.
The German Speaking Implementation Association - Implementierungsnetzwerk für Forschung und Praxis (INFo↔P) - was founded in April 2017 to connect individuals interested in implementation research and practice in the German-speaking world. The overarching goal of the network is to promote scientific approaches to the implementation of evidence-based interventions more widely in German-speaking countries.
The non-profit association «smarter medicine - Choosing Wisely Switzerland» fights against medical overuse and misuse in Switzerland and takes action in various areas: Raising public awareness, inter-professionalism, personal responsibility of health professionals, promotion of research and involvement of patients («Shared Decision Making»).
The Norwegian Network for Implementation Research (NIMP) was launched in 2020 to connect Norwegian researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and others interested in implementation science within health and welfare and share knowledge from implementation research among its members. NIMP aims to raise awareness about implementation science in Norway, promote sharing and exchange of knowledge from implementation research, and provide forums for people and institutions to connect and form collaborations.
The Institute of Nursing Science (INS), University of Basel, offers a Master’s program with a specialization in research or ANP as well as a Ph.D. program and continuing education in advanced nursing practice.
Researchers at the INS have been conducting research in the areas of «Innovative Care Models» and «Patient Safety and Quality of Care» for over twenty years. The INS combines implementation science with data science to promote the integration of research findings and evidence-based interventions into clinical practice. The ultimate goal of the INS research programs is IMPACT in real-world settings. The vibrant research programs are supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, EU Horizon Europe, EU Marie Curie and many other foundations and national organizations.
The Danish Implementation Network (DIN) was founded on 30 August 2012. The founders wanted to put implementation on the agenda as an independent discipline in welfare research and practice. DIN is a cross-sectoral association for everyone who is engaged in providing services to citizens and in this connection strives to build a bridge between research-based knowledge and daily practice. DIN creates and shares knowledge, skills and opportunities for dialogue about implementation and supports the connection between research and practice.
The Foundation Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) assembles public health scientists across Switzerland into one national inter-university faculty. The SSPH+ faculty expertise mirros the scientific and professional field of public health, which encompasses a broad range of disciplines, faculties, and institutions. SSPH+ initiates and supports a range of academic activities across universities that would not get support from any single university.
The Centre for Healthcare Innovation Research (CHIR) was established in 2019 as an interdisciplinary centre spanning Bayes Business School and the School of Health and Psychological Sciences at City, University of London. The mission of the Centre is to address the challenges of spreading and embedding innovations in healthcare, drawing on multiple disciplinary perspectives from the social and health sciences. CHIR conducts research and evaluation studies with a number of partner organizations in the UK and beyond, with current projects focussing on the mobilization of evidence for innovation, the translation of AI into practice, and community-based forms of innovation.
BEST a JBI Centre of Excellence is based in Switzerland and contributes to the production of Systematic Reviews and to the transfer and utilisation of evidence to clinical practice. To accomplish these missions, BEST benefits from an extensive network of collaboration through its members from both the academic and clinical settings. The activities are developed in four main areas, i.e. nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy and radiology. The Centre is a collaboration between University of Lausanne, Lausanne University Hospital, three Universities of Applied Sciences (HESAV, Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source, Haute Ecole de la Santé Geneva), as well as Geneva University Hospitals.
EIE2023 is a fully self-funded conference, realized through a large amount of volunteer work and the participation fees of our delegates. Organizations and networks that support the idea and values of the European Implementation Event are invited to become EIE2023 Gold Partners. Gold Partners make a financial contribution to the event to help EIE2023 deliver a high quality event. This contribution can be of a general nature or can benefit a specific activity before or during the event.
Examples include, but are not limited to
- sponsoring of rooms
- sponsoring of coffee breaks or lunches
- sponsoring of prices and awards
- supporting individuals that do not have the resources to attend EIE2023
- sponsoring Early Career activities at EIE2023
- sponsoring the pre-conference activities
All Gold Partners will be visible in all EIE2023 materials and communications, and there will be an opportunity to present themselves at the EIE2023 Marketplace in the mingling area of the event together with like-minded organisations and networks. Additional collaboration is possible if wished for by the Gold Partners and the partnership can be tailored individually.
If you are an organisation with an interest in implementation, improvement science and practice, and/or knowledge mobilisation and want to support EIE2023 as a Gold Partner, please contact us by email.
EIE2023 partners are organisations and networks that support the idea and values of the European Implementation Event. All partners will be visible in all EIE2023 materials and communications, and there will be an opportunity to present themselves at the EIE2023 Marketplace in the mingling area of the event together with like-minded organisations and networks. We ask partners to actively promote EIE2023 through their communication channels prior to the event and welcome active engagement of parters in the event. Additional collaboration is possible upon request of the partners and the partnership can be tailored individually. Becoming an EIE2023 partner does not involve any financial commitment. If organisations would like to financially support EIE2023, please see the Gold Partner section below.
We invite organisations with an interest in implementation, improvement science and practice, and/or knowledge mobilisation to join us as partners. Please contact us by email.