Mission and Purpose

The European Implementation Collaborative (EIC) aims at promoting greater awareness and understanding of implementation science and practice within and across European welfare and human service systems. One step towards this goal is to create an infrastructure for cross-European exchange of the ‘know what’, ‘know why’, and ‘know how’ of implementation practice and science resulting in targeted actions to bring the field forward. To achieve this, the EIC focuses on creating links between the individuals and groups working in implementation science and practice across Europe by establishing open working groups. These working groups contribute to the development of and discussion within the European implementation landscape and share their knowledge, outputs, and expertise with the wider community.

Working groups form expert and learning collaboratives around a particular topic within implementation science and practice. Examples for topics are implementation research methodologies, implementation education, implementation in low and middle income countries, and many more. Please have a look through the already existing working groups [see below] and see whether they cover your interests, if not, you can consider establishing your own working group under the EIC umbrella.

Working groups are self-organised and supported by the EIC. This means that a working group has a contact person, or a chair, who will do the main organisation of the working group. Working group chairs will be elected by the working group members every two years (the same person can stay in the lead if re-elected by the members). If preferred, working groups can elect co-chairs to share the work and responsibility of running the working group. Basic administrative support – for example, to establish mailing lists, website representation, or organise meetings including Zoom technology – will be provided by the EIC secretary. If additional support is needed, the working group representative and the EIC Board will discuss potential solutions. Each working group will also have a contact person from the EIC Board to ensure fluid communication. How a working group wants to organise itself in terms of information exchange, member meeting schedule etc. is up to the working group chair and its members, and might change over time.

If you are interested in setting-up a working group, please use the template below and follow the described steps. All running working groups will be part of a yearly evaluation process to document progress. This includes a questionnaire to be completed by the working group leader and participation in a joint meeting of all working group leaders. This process enables reporting on an overview of the yearly activities, exchanging information among the working groups, identifying needs for support, and potentially deciding to terminate a working group because of long-term inactivity.

Do you want to establish your own EIC working group? That’s great! Please fill in this template and send it to [email protected]. The template provides information on the details you need to provide - for an example, please check the existing working groups [see below]. If anything is missing in your proposal, we may ask you for additional information. Your proposal will be run by the EIC Board to check for relevancy, sustainability, feasibility, and potential overlap with other EIC working groups. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

EIC working groups are open to all EIC members. If you want to sign up for a working group but are not an EIC member yet, please visit the EIC member page . It might be that a particular working group is targeted at particular individuals (e.g. early career researchers). If that is the case, you will find information on eligible members in the working group descriptions.

EIC Working Groups

Below you can see the existing EIC working groups.

Early Career Implementation Professionals (ECIP) Working Group

The ECIP Working Group brings together Early Career Implementation Professionals across Europe from various fields and disciplines to enable joint exploration and improvement of the factors and conditions characterising the work with and in European implementation science or practice in the early years of one’s professional career. The ECIP Working Group provides an informal space for mutual exchange, shared learning and problem solving, and network building.

Implementation in Physiotherapy Working Group

The Implementation in Physiotherapy Working Group connects professionals (e.g., clinicians, clinical academics and academics) across Europe working with implementation science and practice in the field of Physiotherapy. The purpose of the group is to develop an inclusive and supportive space to nurture the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practice in implementation science and practice in Physiotherapy across Europe.

Qualitative Implementation Research (EIC-QIR) Working Group

The EIC-QIR Working Group provides a forum for implementation researchers focused on qualitative methods to reflect on their work, thereby promoting qualitative implementation research in Europe. The group welcomes professionals at all career stages, offering opportunities to connect with colleagues and strengthen their research. EIC-QIR meetings differ in format, with interactivity, exchange, and shared learning being core values of the group.

Digital Health Implementation Working Group (DiHI-WG)

The Digital Health Implementation Working Group (DiHI-WG) aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among institutions, professionals and researchers (specifically including early career professionals) to address the unique challenges of implementing digital health interventions. By leveraging methodologies and frameworks specific to DiHI, the group seeks to advance scientific understanding, and promote the adaptation of tools to meet diverse research and implementation practice needs.

Implementation in Education Working Group

The Implementation in Education Working Group aims to improve outcomes for school-age children and young people, including young people in Further Education and Training (FET) by strengthening professional capacity in formal and non-formal education. It focuses on raising awareness of implementation science frameworks and tools that guide research, practice, and decision-making in education; strengthening connections between educators, education researchers, and education policy-makers across Europe; identifying key implementation challenges in education and working towards developing solutions to these challenges.